Monday, June 4, 2007

Anti-Alias bug in 3.3 with GEF

I've been fighting a particularly nasty bug in Eclipse 3.3 lately and since I finally found the culprit, I wanted to post it in case other GEF developers encounter it before it's fixed.


  1. Thumbnail in outline view won't show some edit parts
  2. Connection parts don't show until after editor is reopened in same session
I started having these problems in M7. Since GEF hasn't changed much, I thought the problem had to be somewhere in the Platform. However, this only seemed to affect GEF editors - and I couldn't even find anyone else with the same problem. After analyzing the sample GEF apps (which don't have this problem) and comparing them to mine, I found the problem:


Commenting out this call fixed all the problems I was having. Now my edit parts don't look quite as good, but since I'm counting on being able to use 3.3, I'm just happy there is a workaround. I'm hopeful that this can be fixed by the final Europa release.


Boris Bokowski said...

Please don't forget to file a bug (against GEF, or maybe SWT)!

Adam Cabler said...

Of course. I filed one a while back - should've mentioned it:
Here it is